23 March 2009

Go, Go, Go...All Weekend Long

Happy Birthday, Sister! Now, to avoid any confusion, it’s my real sister’s birthday. I know I call TB and The Princess my sisters, but this sister is actually blood related. Anyway, it’s her 31st birthday today. Ugh, which means I’m going to be 29 in 3 months. HOLY SHIT BALLS!

So, weekend was good. I dropped the business cards off at the printers and all went off without a hitch. I got home and pretty much changed and then flopped onto the cough w/ the dogs. I fell asleep totally early, at like 7 PM and woke up around 1030 and put myself to bed. Then I got up early to go carve some lines w/ Roommate. It was raining the whole way up there so at first we were thinking it was going to be a shitty, wet day. It was totally frozen over, hard pack but it was snowing so there was a little dust on crust, but since it was 34 degrees out as soon as the snow hit you it melted. So, we boarded for a bit and it started to get warm and the snow was really fast, but then things started melting even more. The icicles hanging on the lifts were dripping on us and our snow gear was starting to get soaked through so we got about 5 runs in and headed home.

We put a Papa Murphy’s Gourmet Chicken Garlic pizza in the oven and started watching a movie. I only got about 45 minutes into it before I passed out. Woke up a few hours later and went back to bed, but this time in my bed, not on the couch. I woke up around 630ish and started getting ready to pack up Stinky and head to TB’s. I get to TB’s and decide I’m not happy with what I’m wearing so I ravage her closet and end up wearing her jeans and a cute top. We started at Bar Eighty Four, went to Al Amir, then back to Bar Eighty Four and then to Dixie and McFadden’s. It was quite the bar hopping night for us. The funny thing about all of this is that we were getting our hair done on Sunday morning and had planned to just chill at her house and take it easy Saturday night. Funny how things work out. We had QUITE the night on Saturday night. Tons of drama (wasn't mine, I just got to witness it) that not only do I not want to remember, but it’s honestly not even work talking about. Ugh, I was SO hung yesterday. Icky.

So, we get up on Sunday and I go pick up my hairstylist and we go back to TB’s so she can color my hair and cut TB’s. We had some fun, chilled out, ate some food and then I took my hairstylist back to her house and headed home myself. I get home around 5 PM and basically go straight to bed. I heard Roommate come home from the movie around 7, but was right back out. Then I woke up and totally thought it was the wee hours of the morning and it was only 11 PM! A ha ha, so I went back to sleep. I ended up getting about 12 hours of MUCH NEEDED SLEEP last night. Wicked!

So, today is Monday…again. I won Blazer tickets at the Office for Roommate so I get to chill at home and do laundry tonight. I’m actually kind of exited because I was just go, go, go all weekend long. It will be nice to chill out and do a little domestic ish like laundry. This week shouldn’t be NEARLY as busy for me, thank God, cause I was SO exhausted from last week. Damn.

I have lots to do at work today also, which makes me really happy because I’d rather have 5 things going on at once than be slow at the office. It makes the time drag by when there’s not much to do. So, I’m happy today because I have plenty to do at the office and this evening at home and today should FLY by. Yay!


Insight of the Day:
“The secret to success is not to try to avoid, get rid of, or shrink from your problems. The secret is to GROW YOURSELF so that you're bigger than any problem.”

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